Seismic Data: From the Cave to the Cloud #Seismic, #Cloud
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Yuriy Gubanov

In the oil and gas industry, geoscience data has historically been marked for indefinite retention and placed in the archival storage or salt mines. Even though energy industry as a whole falls behind on the digital transformation curve, ExxonMobil is at the forefront of revolutionizing data management practices and our ability to search, retrieve, reference and analyze the vast amounts of historic data. The focus of this presentation is on modern architectures and cloud infrastructure that, in collaboration with several vendor initiatives and internal integration services and platforms, helped us move out from the salt mine caves, digitize the hard copies of the data, extract and enrich the data with the metadata and move the long term geoscience data archives into the cloud. Blob Storage has replaced the boxes of tapes and hard copies of data. Cloud Active Directory has transformed the way we do the authentication and authorization. Microservices oriented architecture had enabled our DevOps teams to move faster and independently of each other, while still maintaining and adhering to the commonly defined service fabric. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Event Hubs and Service Buses had enabled us to mesh these interfaces together and create new business solutions. Available in the cloud analytics platforms and machine learning have allowed us to extract the insights which we would almost never be able to do using the traditional methods. Cloud technologies have been a great enabler in the data management world. In combination with the agile way of working ExxonMobil has bridged the gap between the IT and the business units. All of this, however, is just the beginning of a larger journey – create the environment where data flows like water to create business value. An aspirational goal that both IT and the Business are committed to!